Registration Instructions (Thunder Bay Lacrosse)

PrintRegistration Instructions

*A NOTE TO THOSE REGISTERING-> It will display you are registering for 'Competitive Play.'
This is purely administrative and this is what you need to select to play in the local league season.
If you are interested in 'Competitive Play,' please contact us for more information.


PLEASE READ  the following information as it will help you through the registration process

Age divisions and fees are posted here : Age Chart

The online registration system will only offer age appropriate options 

You are required to upload your child's ID with proof of age (PDF/JPG). We suggest having this available before you begin the process. We require both sides so *two files will need to be uploaded, if you aren't able to put them in one

Accepted Forms of Identification
Birth Certificate
Driver's License
Statement of Live Birth
Baptismal Certificates
Status Cards
Or any other government issued identification 

Accepted Payments
Credit Card
Debit Visa
or Cheque

Coaches and Volunteers
Coaches and Volunteers are to register through the registration portal in the proper field, only one registration is required

You can print your own tax receipt through the registration website, Thunder Bay Lacrosse League will not provide these